Creating thumbnails is one of the aspects I greatly enjoy. The fact I can tweak some of the lovely art slightly and get a result that pops just makes me want to do it more! Figuring out how to place an image better and tweak the levels and going back and forth with TEXT or NO TEXT is another angle to consider.
Having an image that just draws attention, letting it speak for itself. Text takes away from the thumbnail sometimes. You guys already know what I do anyway so I think text often isn’t needed. I do like to make it clear though.
I’ll try more NO TEXT thumbnails for a little bit. The overwhelming amount of watch times comes from you guys! This feels great to see and it has even been higher than that at times. I’d say up to 87% a few months ago. No text has its own challenges though. Not being able to rely on words to convey the feeling or information. If i had to choose I’d go with No Text because it feels better to me. The title of every stream or video is there already to help further get the point across.
It’s nice when I get to incorporate some of the lovely emotes into the art. I expand on the visual story being told with the little guys you often see! Speaking of, going way back to the beginning, commissioning these is one of my proudest decisions. Apart from just doing this whole thing over and over. Even standing alone just one of them can lend it’s sadness, excitement or joy in a unique way.
More are coming someday though when I get around to it! Eating popcorn for exciting moments to carrying a big nut for those tough times. The future continues to add more bricks. More great connections with all of you!
Link to my YouTube if anyone is just finding me from here!